Bugiri Raising Hope Foundation

Water project in our community

At the moment Bugiri Raising Hope Foundation community is facing a challenge of sufficient water sources. There is only one water source, “a borehole” that was dug by hands meaning that during dry season water is low and almost doesn’t pump enough water.

For now the community is in need of a reliable source of water that can withstand almost all seasons. Feel free to reach out to us incase you would like to be part of this water project.


The only one borehole in our community at the moment.

Agricultural project

Through our donors, We “Bugiri Raising Hope Foundation”, have been able to also start up agricultural farming project so that 

Construction of the orphanage house

Raising Hope Foundation Uganda has always had the desire to stand together with the needy orphans and other needs in their respective categories and because of that, we had to get an area where we can keep them all in one door for easy monitoring and taking care of and therefore, we decided to get a home where we can base and reach all our support to children of such kinds.

We have managed to get a land of 7 acres with one residential house, three boys quarters on it which we are to start setting up an orphanage home. Half of these funds that was needed was paid and the remaining balance is needed within this year and also these houses need renovation and construction of more to cater for both girls and boys in the foundation.

Orphanage House

This is a house that we bough on a 7 acres land that also needs renovation.

Orphanage House

This is a house that we bough on a 7 acres land that also needs renovation.

Our farming and fertilizer projects

As Raising Hope Foundation, currently we farming on 5 acres of land growing food mostly for home consumption. We are also aiming at increasing the size of the land so that we can grow enough food for both consumption and commercial purposes to enable stand for the children’s needs of all kinds.

We are also having fertilizer making project where we try to make forage fertilizer to use in our farming gardens and also aiming at enlarging it to become a business that can put some support towards some organization work. 

Forage fertilizer is made from natural ingredients which makes it suitable to be used on soils and plants as it doesn’t contain chemicals that destroy the nature of soils and also doesn’t encourage pollution of both soils and waters underground.

On mobile, tap on the image to read more and on PC hoover the mouse on the image.

Our garden

Making fertilizer

Our garden